Shipments of plastic film and bags manufactured from resin = Livraisons de pellicules et sacs en matière plastique fabriqués de résine. : CS47-007-PDF

The publication shows Canadian manufacturers' shipments of the quantity (kilograms) of plastic film and plastic bags and sacks by their first destination - Canada, export. Low density polyethylene film is broken down under: packaging, construction and agricultural, shrink film and industrial sheeting, and tubing. Other categories are: high density polyethylene, stretch wrap, co-extrusions and other plastic film. Categories for bags and sacks are: garbage, dry cleaner's, grocery, luncheon, notions and millinery LDPE, notions and millinery HDPE, and other. The December issue includes a list of reporting firms and plant location.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Statistics Canada. Industry Division.
Titre Shipments of plastic film and bags manufactured from resin = Livraisons de pellicules et sacs en matière plastique fabriqués de résine.
Variante du titre Livraisons de pellicules et sacs en matière plastique fabriqués de résine
Livraisons de pellicules et sacs en matière plastique fabriqués de résines Dec. 31, 1984-Dec. 1998
Type de publication Série
Langue Bilingue-[Anglais | Français]
Format Électronique
Autres formats offerts Papier-[Anglais | Français]
Note(s) Digitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada].
This publication presents data by area for the current quarter and year-to-date. There are no figures for values of shipments. The data is not repeated in the same detail elsewhere although catalogue no. 31-211 does give an aggregate figure on an annual basis for shipments of plastic film.
Text in English and French.
Information sur la publication [Ottawa] : Statistics Canada = Statistique Canada, 1983-1999.
Chronologie Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 31, 1983)-V. 16, no. 4 (Dec. 1998).
Périodicité Quarterly
Numéro de catalogue
  • CS47-007-PDF
Descripteurs Plastics industry
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