Jurisprudence cited by the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal / [compiled by Julie McAndrew]. : PE2-20/2015E-PDF

"This document provides the name of the cases (and their citations) referred to in the Tribunal’s findings and decisions. The list is organized alphabetically by topic. For this reason, the order in which the topics are presented is different in the French version. Where possible, hyperlinks have been created to provide easy access to Court or Tribunal decisons"--p. 2. Cataloguer's note: Many of the hyperlinks in the document are no longer active.

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Ministère/Organisme Canada. Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal Canada.
Titre Jurisprudence cited by the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal / [compiled by Julie McAndrew].
Type de publication Monographie
Langue [Anglais]
Autres langues publiées [Français]
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Note(s) Cover title.
At head of title: Protection from reprisal. Your right. Our mission.
Issued also in French under title: Jurisprudence citée par le Tribunal de la protection des fonctionnaires divulgateurs d'actes répréhensibles.
Information sur la publication [Ottawa] : Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal Canada, [2015].
Auteur / Contributeur McAndrew, Julie.
Description 9 p.
Numéro de catalogue
  • PE2-20/2015E-PDF
Descripteurs Jurisprudence
Whistleblower protection
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