Actuarial report on the Canada Pension Plan : IN3-16/1E

To inform contributors and beneficiaries of the current and projected financial status of the Plan. Provides information to evaluate the Plan’s financial sustainability over a long period, assuming the legislation remains unchanged. Such information should facilitate a better understanding of the financial status of the Plan and the factors that influence costs, and thus contribute to an informed public discussion of issues related to the finances of the Plan.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada. Office of the Chief Actuary.
Title Actuarial report on the Canada Pension Plan
Publication type Series
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[English]
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions.
Frequency Triennial
ISSN 1926-4887
Catalogue number
  • IN3-16/1E
Subject terms Pensions
Issues as at 31 December 2009:
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